What is the ONE WORD Concept?

What if just a single word could add clarity, focus, and excitement to your life?It is possible and we will share the secret of how to discover your ONE WORD for the year in this mini retreat. God has a plan for you and simplifying your focus to just ONE WORD will keep you motivated and inspired all year.

In this mini retreat the RISE Coaching Team will also present fun and creative ways to interact with God and His Word and give you an opportunity to create your own journal in the workshop.

See ONE WORD examples below from

RISE Mini Retreat participants.


I felt that prayer was an area of my walk with Christ that needed me to assign more priority to. I believe in the power of prayer and that God hears and answers our prayers. The one condition is that we pray according to His will. In 2025, I want to learn how to better pray according to His will.


I just want to be strong physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, in everything. I want to pursue strength this year. That’s my goal.


God chose that word patience to prepare me for what He has for me.


Wake up. Get up. Get going. Move forward. Go! I’ve been healing & working on personal things in my life. I’ve also been decluttering, but I’m talking about getting back out into the world. Getting more structured & productive, starting to just live life again, & snapping out of being in restful healing mode.


God is sufficient.
Everything I have is sufficient.
I have all that I need.


Honestly, it chose me! This word just kept creeping into my head . . . I believe patience is the path to peace and harmony, love and fruitfulness.

Scripture -Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12


Stay focused on being in the present, not regretting the past. Not thinking something better lies in the future but focus on living fruitfully in today.


After spending numerous years in what has felt like a mere existence, this word showed up and fit the dream of a return to “life.” A rebirth of life lived and not just tolerated. A beginning of a renewal of being able to complete the undone, free the body, mind and physical space of all that clutters and holds me down, a revival of freedom to have peace of mind and clarity of thought. A renewed hope of “life” that holds new beginnings and an eventual ending well lived. I pray this truly is God’s plan.